The tour description is followed by a report on what we saw.
The AFCA Antique Fan Museum is located at 10983 Bennett Parkway, Zionsville, Indiana 46077
Admission is free . Our guides will be Mr. Kim Frank and Mr. Ed Frank.
Tour Description: The museum contains more than 2000 antique ceiling and desk fans from over 140 manufacturers. The highlights of the tour are the early battery-powered fans, water-powered fans, steam-powered fans, Also there are hand held fans with advertising from manufacturers, retailers, politicians and movie starts.
Fans were and are a combination of engineering, art and culture.
The tour involves some stair climbing and no elevator is available. Carpooling is recommended.
Linda Karwisch will be leading the tour. Please register for this no-cost tour to let Linda know you will be coming. The tour will be limited to no more than 40 people. Guests are welcome.
What We Saw at the AFCA Antique Fan Museum
On November 13th, Scientech members toured the Antique Fan Museum in Zionsville, Indiana. The fan collection has been Tom Frampton’s brainchild for over 40 years. Scientech members enjoyed learning a variety of antique fans were run through steam, water, burning fuels, manually, and through various DC and AC electrical systems and even batteries where recharging meant replacing the electrolyte.
Many fans were reworked into unique sculptures from common everyday objects or hand held fans into motorized ones. Members left the museum with a new view of fans and properly entertained. The museum is hosted by Mr. Frampton’s company Fanimation. Be sure to view the short video in the link below for more on the museum and the webpage for why and how the museum moved from Kansas to Indiana. (Text and photos: Linda Karwisch, Carl Warner)
See the fan museum pdf file link for more pictures.
fan museum 24-11-13.pdf