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    • September 09, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speakers:  Alan Schmidt and Philip Sowders are both members of the Scientech Club. Each has an extensive resume in their respective fields.

    Dr. Alan Schmidt will present the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023 awarded to Moungi Bawendi, Louis Brus, and Aleksey Yekimov for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots. Ekimov and Brus suceeded in creating quantum dots, and Bawendi revolutionized the chemical production. Quantum dots now illuminate computer monitors and television screens based on QLED technology.

    Philip Sowders will present the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 for flashes of light short enough to take snapshots of electrons' extremely rapid movements. Anne L'Huillier discovered a new effect from laser light's interaction with atoms in a gas. Pierre Agostini and Ferenc Krausz demonstrated that this effect can be used to create shorter pulses of light than were previously possible.

    • September 16, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220
    Speakers: Glenn Bingle and Ruth Schmidt --- Glenn Bingle received a BA from the University of Massachusetts and his MD and PhD from IU. He was the medical director of Genetic Service and Counseling for Community Health Network and a Clinical Professor of Medicine and Medical Molecular Genetics at the IU School of Medicine. He has been a member of Scientech since 2018. Ruth Schmidt received a degree in chemical engineering from Case Western Reserve University, a PhD in chemical engineering and an MBA from Cleveland State Univerity. She has been a member since 2023. (Sponsored By: Rick Whitener)(ID: 1897)

    Ruth Schmidt will cover the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. The prize was awarded to Claudia Goldin “for having advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes”. Glenn Bingle will cover the Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19”.

    • September 23, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220
    Speakers: Sophia Wang.Anglina Polsinelli --- Second part of Alzheimer talk given 2/26. Also part of the talk that was to be given by Anglina Polsinella. All about the research going on at IU`s Alzheimer Center (Email: (Sponsored By: Russell Judd)(ID: 1892)

    Caregivers` challenges. Various lines of research and their results.

    • September 30, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220
    Speaker: Glen Carlstrand --- Glen Carlstrand is a Certified American Sign Language professional for over the past 40 yrs. Interpreting for the Deaf community in various settings. An Instructor at High School level as well as Butler University. Presently President of the Swedish SVEA of Indianapolis. (Email: (Sponsored By: Linda Karwisch)(ID: 1909)

    The history of American Sign Language will be explored: what country created it first, and where did it stem from, who created it, who decided the characters to be used, and are there other sign languages used. How long is the program to become a certified sign language interpreter.

    • October 07, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220
    Speaker: Dr Beth Hall --- Dr Beth Hall, PhD, is director of the Indiana State Climate Office on Purdue's West Lafayette Campus. She is also the director of the Purdue Mesonet, and co-director and co-founder of the Indiana Mesonet. She also has a BS in Geography and Meteorology, and an MS in Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics. (Email: (Sponsored By: Don Cummings)(ID: 1910)

    The Indiana Mesonet is a collaboration between the Purdue Mesonet (Indiana State Climate Office) and the Indiana Water Balance Network (at IU). These combined sensing networks, when expanded with new installations, will support more accurate and more local weather, water, and soil data for decision-making, forecasting, and research by clients as varied as the public, farmers, event organizers, researchers, recreational facility managers, utilities, and educators.

    • October 14, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220
    Speaker: James Lowery --- Former Director of Management Support Services, University of Birmingham and previous Scientech Club speaker on Antartica and the Wetumpka meteor impact crater. (Email: (Sponsored By: Dr. Alan Dale Schmidt)(ID: 1878)

    This presentation will describe the La Brea Tar Pits and the George C. Page Museum located in an urban public park in Los Angeles. The presenter visited the tar pits in May 2014 and again in May 2017. The second visit included a “behind the scenes” tour including the processing lab and the active excavations. The presentation also will include information about the many types of Ice Age fossils that have been and continue to be extracted from the active asphalt formations and seeps in the park. There have been over 3.5 million fossils collected from the tar pits that are in the Page Museum collection. Views will be included of the representative fossils on display inside the museum.

    • October 21, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220
    Speaker: Robert Horn --- Bob Horn is a lifelong resident of northeast Oklahoma and has seen the damage done to the environment due to mining in the area. He has a BS in Psychology from Oklahoma State University and has worked in financial data processing for 38 years. His home is less than a mile from Tar Creek, one of the most polluted streams in the country. (Sponsored By: Ruth Schmidt)(ID: 1919)

    Picher, Oklahoma is often referred to as the most toxic town in America and it is a 21st century ghost town. It is the site of one of the largest EPA superfund sites in the country due to decades of lead and zinc mining that has left the land unstable and contaminated the soil and ground water. The government bought out all the homeowners because it was cheaper than trying to clean up the area. All that remains are empty buildings and huge chat piles. This talk will cover the history of mining in the area, how it became so contaminated, as well as what is being done to clean up the area.

    • October 28, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220
    Speaker: Scott Salmon --- Executive Director of the Friends of the White River. (Email: (Sponsored By: Christopher Moore)(ID: 1921)

    This presentation will be an overview of the natural and human history of the White River, the Great Flood of 1913, the ecological impacts and public safety hazards of low-head dams, the 1999 White River fish kill and subsequent restoration, current water pollution threats such as erosion and combined sewer overflows, and ongoing restoration projects including the Dig Indy tunnel and Emrichsville Dam removal.

    • November 04, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220
    Speaker: Laura Graf --- Owner/Operator LGI Landscaping LLC Accredited Horticulturist Licensed Nursery Dealer PlantRight certified installer (Email: (Sponsored By: Judy Weitzman)(ID: 1870)

    Laura is a very talented landscape artist and horitculturist. She is passionate about the very real harm caused by invasive plants in Indiana. Laura is teaching me how to identify invaders and how to effectively eliminate them. I learn something from her every time we meet.

    • November 11, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speaker: Robert Yee MD --- Merrill Grayson Professor and Chair of Ophthalmology, IU School of Medicine - Emeritus (Email: (Sponsored By: Robert Yee MD)(ID: 1915)

    The human eye and brain's visual system do not function like a camera, as is commonly believed. In the retina, viewed images stimulate light-sensitive cells (rods and cones) and help brain cells in the first parts of visual system to break down the seen image into light/dark contrasts at different spatial frequencies, and detect edges and orientation of lines. Beyond these basic visual brain regions, other higher-order areas respond to motion, color, faces, objects and text/numbers. Injury to these latter areas, from strokes, infections or dementia, produce selective deficits (visual agnosias) for identifying and detecting particular image features - such as not being able to perceive or recognize faces (prosopagnosia). The many different types of visual agnosias demonstrate the intricate and complex arrangement of brain functions in the so-called "association areas" of the visual system.

    • November 18, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220
    Speaker: Aina Puce PhD --- Eleanor Cox Riggs Professor in Social Justice & Ethics, Psychological & Brain Sciences, Indiana University; Bachelor and Master of Applied Science, Swinburne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia; PhD Medicine, University of Melbourne; Post-doctoral Fellow Neurosurgery, Yale University (Email: (Sponsored By: Robert Yee MD)(ID: 1916)

    The human brain's visual system is a mosaic of brain regions with different specializations, which can manifest as selective visual deficits in focal brain injury. Non-invasive brain mapping methods can study these specialized brain regions in detail in healthy people and patients alike. It is possible to measure changes in focal brain blood flow [functional MRI] and magnetic fields or electrical activity at the scalp surface[magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography]. Electrical activity may also be recorded invasively from inside the brains of neurosurgical patients. Studying the functions of the brain's "grey matter" are only part of the story: the information carrying pathways formed by the brain's "white matter" help ferry the grey matter's communications to other parts of the brain. I will present examples from all of these methods to discuss how our brains make sense of the face and body movements of others.

    • November 25, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220
    Speaker: Jerry Karwowski is a Retired Senior Vice President, InvestmentOfficer, Wells Fargo Advisors

    Carried the torch for the 1996 OlympicsIn Sports Corp. Kiwanis, Partners of the Americas, Perry Township Education Foundation, Kappa Sigma Fraternity Olympics, Russian and South America history, travel, grandchildren.

    Fiesta Bowl Charities, Arizona Sports and Entertainment Commission.

    The speaker will cover the remarkable life of Carl Erskine, one of the great human-rights champions of our time. From the dirt-poor alleys of Anderson, Indiana, to a storied career with the Brooklyn Dodgers’ fabled “Boys of Summer”, Carl Erskine lived the American Dream - and spent his lifetime giving it to others. After his playing days, he returned to Anderson and spent the rest of his life as a Hoosier.

    Without Carl Erskine, we would not have the Special Olympics International.

    Erskine with the support of teammates, Jackie Robinson and Johnny Wilson, advocated for 60 years for people with intellectual disabilities such as his son Jimmy. Carl helped effect profound social change through his core values of grace, humility and servant leadership.

    • December 02, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220
    Speaker: Donna Riner --- Donna Riner, Assistant Manager, Eagle Creek Park Ornithology Center B.A. Environmental Biology, DePauw University 2020 (Email: Donna.Riner@Indy.Gov) (Sponsored By: Karen Bumb)(ID: 1913)

    Join Donna Riner, for a presentation about her experience attending Avian Behavior International's Bird of Prey Workshop in Escondido, California. During this presentation you will get an inside look at how avian behavior science and progressive training techniques from this experience are applied at the Ornithology Center within their raptor ambassador program.

    • December 09, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speakers: Andy Ratermann, Jeff Rasley, and Doug Gettelfinger --- Andy Ratermann is president of the Scientech Club. Jeff Rasley is president of the Scientech Foundation. Doug Gettelfinger is treasurer of both organizations. (Sponsored By: Rick Whitener)(ID: 1896)

    The annual meeting will be held to elect officers for 2025. This meeting is required by the bylaws of our club. After the elections, Jeff Rasley will give an update on the activities of the Scientech Foundation. Doug Gettelfinger will give an update on the Foundations first full year as a public charity.

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