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    • March 17, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speakers: Glenn Bingle and Hank Wolfla.

    Glenn Bingle will describe the benefits that healthcare professionals are gaining from the uses of AI. He will talk about the social concerns and fraudulent uses that have occurred and steps being taken to counter these activities. Hank Wolfla will show how you can download AI tools onto your smartphones and use these tools to improve your life.

    Glenn Bingle received a BA from the University of Massachusetts and his MD and PhD from IU. He was the medical director of Genetic Service and Counseling for Community Health Network and a Clinical Professor of Medicine and Medical Molecular Genetics at the IU School of Medicine. He has been a member of Scientech since 2018. Hank Wolfla received an associate degree and bachelor degree from Purdue University in 1965 and 1968. He taught at IU-Kokomo for a while before entering the bioengineering field. He has worked for Clarian, Community Hospital, and Hancock County Hospital. He helped to development instrumentation for the insertion of cardiac pacemakers, and received a patent for his design of an ergometer (exercise device) used in cardiac rehabilitation.

    Zoom Meeting Info

    Meeting ID: 975 2763 4510

    Passcode: 946584

    • March 24, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speaker: William McNiece 

    Base Hospitals were part of the approach the USA used to provide medical and surgical care to Army personnel in Europe during WWI. Base Hospital 32 was staffed with physicians, nurses and enlisted men primarily from Indianapolis and the surrounding area.

    William McNiece, M.D. is an Associate Professor of Anesthesia at Indiana University School of Medicine, Immediate President of the Wood Library-Museum of Anesthesiology and President of the Marion County Historical Society and a Scientech member.

    Zoom Meeting Info

    Meeting ID: 975 2763 4510

    Passcode: 946584

    • March 31, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speaker: Robert Sanborn

    Each year, technology companies bring out new or greatly improved products for consumers. Products geared to younger consumers get most of the media attention. This talk will review the products that mature consumers may find helpful. Much of the information will come from Robert’s trip to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas being held from January 7-10, 2025.

    Robert Sanborn has a degree in Computer Technology from IUPUI. He was the President of the Indianapolis Computer Society in the 1980’s and brought speakers like Bill Gates to Indianapolis so that members of the group would learn about what was occurring in the then-new area of personal computing. He runs a personal computer consulting and website hosting business. He has been a member of Scientech since 2015.

    Zoom Meeting Info

    Meeting ID: 975 2763 4510

    Passcode: 946584

    • April 07, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speaker: Scott A. Namestnik

    Scott Namestnik is the state botanist in the Indiana Department of Natural Resource, Indiana Natural Heritage data center, Division of Nature Preserves. Much of his work involves conducting botanical inventories, assessing sites for protection consideration, and documenting and monitoring occurrences of endangered and threatened species. He has a degree in Botany with a focus in Environmental Science from Miami University and over 25 years of experience with the flora of the Great Lakes region and the Midwestern United States. His written work on flora has appeared in several peer-reviewed journals including The Michigan Botanist, The Great Lakes Botanist, Phytoneuron, Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, and Rhodora, and he is co-author of Wildflowers of the Midwest (Timber Press) and Wildflowers of the Indiana Dunes National Park (Indiana University Press). He is a board member for NatureCITE, Indiana Native Plant Society (North Chapter) and South Bend-Elkhart Audobon Society, is on the advisory council for Shirley Heinze Land Trust and the planning committee for the Indiana Dunes Birding Festival, and is active with the Indiana Native Plant Society (Journal Team Leader) and the Indiana Academy of Science (member of the Biodiversity and Natural Areas Committee and past Chair of the Plant Systematics and Biodiversity section). Scott is a highly sought after speaker, including as keynote speaker for the 2023 open house of the Friesner Herbarium at Butler University.

    Everyone isn’t a biologist but everyone can still play a part in building our understanding through citizen/community science. What better life long learning than getting involve in contributing to citizen science projects. Scott will share his vast knowledge of the flora and fauna of Indiana and suggestions on how members of Scientech Club can get involved as citizen scientists.

    Sponsored by Betty Yan

    • April 14, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speaker: Dr. Tom Lauer

    Sea Lampreys are an invasive parasitic species in the Great Lakes. After their introduction in the early 20th century, they dramatically altered the ecosystem, killing off most of the large bodied fish. In the 1950s, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission was created to address the problem and has been successful in many respects. The current cost of control is $30 million/year, while the benefit to the fishery is $7 billion/year. In this presentation, he will discuss the biology of the sea lamprey, the history along with the biological impact, control mechanisms, and its future in the Great Lakes. This is another example of the negative impact that an invasive species has in our environments.

    About the Speaker: Thomas Lauer, BS and MS Ball State University, PhD Purdue University. Director and Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Aquatic Biology and Fisheries Center, Ball State University. Dr. Lauer is an Advisor for the international Great Lakes Fishery Commission and a Scientech member.

    • April 21, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speaker: Nasser Hanna MD

    Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death in the United States, but this was not always the case. During the first half of the 20th century, lung cancer was an uncommon cause of suffering; however, with the increase in cigarette consumption, previous lack of an effective screening intervention or treatment beyond surgery and radiation, lung cancer suffering became an epidemic in the second half of the 20th century and has continued to be in the first 20 years of this century. The tide has turned, however, as cigarette consumption has declined, lung screening with a low dose CT scan has proven to save lives, the genetic blueprint for lung cancer has been defined, strategies to harness the immune system to kill lung cancer have been discovered, and advocacy and funding have begun to rapidly rise. We are now well positioned to end the lung cancer epidemic after 100 years of needless suffering and 8 million lives lost in the United States.

    About the Speaker: Nasser Hanna, MD is a medical oncologist at the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center. He earned his BA in Biology at Saint Louis University, his MD from University of Missouri, completed an internal medicine residency at the University of Iowa and a medical oncology fellowship at Indiana University. He is the Tom and Julie Wood Family Foundation Professor of Lung Cancer Clinical Research, the founder and chairperson of End Lung Cancer Now, and the Chief of cancer screenings at IU Health.

    Sponsor : Karen Bumb

    • April 28, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speakers: Danielle Randles and Sarah Reilly, The Nature Conservancy

    The Nature Conservancy is dedicated to protecting Indiana’s water future. As part of that commitment, TNC is working with partners and farmers to improve and protect the White River. Sarah and Danielle will share about soil health, drainage, and the extensive impact water quality improvement can have in Indiana, the Mississippi River, and beyond.

    Sarah Reilly joined TNC in early 2023 as the White River Project Director. In her role, Sarah coordinates TNC’s water quality improvement work in the West and East Fork White River basins in Central Indiana with our partners, which include federal, state, and local agencies, as well as private companies and other nonprofits.

    Danielle Randles joined TNC in June 2024 as the Regenerative Agriculture Manager. In her role, Danielle is creating a regenerative agriculture demonstration network across Central Indiana. This network will feature 5 farms showcasing edge-of-field practices to be used for educating various stakeholders on these conservation practices.

    Sponsored by Chris Moore

    • May 05, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speaker: Roger N. Blomquist 

    In addition to serving as a nuclear propulsion officer on a US Navy nuclear-powered submarine, Roger has worked at Argonne National Laboratories since the late 1970’s. His career has centered on computational methods in neutron transport, reactor physics, and nuclear data processing. He has co-taught nuclear energy courses at Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, and other universities, as well as chairing the International Expert Group on Source Convergence in Criticality Safety Analysis, which is a part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. He currently serves on the Nuclear Engineering Division Outreach Committee.

    Roger will give a high-level overview of current developments in nuclear reactor and fuel cycle technologies. Topic will include current large, water-cooled reactors, small modular reactors, and advanced reactors. Technical and economic pros and cons and trends will be explored, along with the effects on the electricity grid of various generating technologies.

    Sponsored by John Prentice

    • May 12, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speaker: Dr. Edward Fry

    Dr. Edward Fry is a cardiologist at Ascension St. Vincent in Carmel, Indiana which he joined in 1991 and continues to practice today. He was born in Dublin, Ireland and moved to the US at age seven. He attended Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa and went to medical school at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He completed his Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospital. He then completed a two year Fellowship in Cardiovascular Research and completed his General Cardiology Fellowship at Washington University School of Medicine. He remained on faculty as Assistant Professor and Medical Director of the Cardiac Transplant Program. 

    He completed a Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology at St. Vincent Health in Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Fry currently serves as Chair of the Ascension National Cardiovascular (CV) Service Line. He is the Immediate-Past President of the American College of Cardiology (ACC).  He has been a presenter, moderator, and session chair at multiple national and international meetings. Dr. Fry and his wife have three adult sons and live in Indianapolis.

    • May 19, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speaker: Lene Pind

    Lene Pind, who had a long career in the Danish school system, ending as a school principal, will describe features of the system, how they relate to Danish culture and wishes to have a discussion with the members of the Scientech Club about comparisons.

    Lene Pind is the former Principal of Tornbjerg Gymnasium 1990 - 2017 · 27 yrs Syddanmark, Danmark Her degree at the University of Copenhagen was in English. She was not only a professional educator, but also an active member of the Danish Women's Society, including as Chairwoman for many years, lobbying, researching, and organizing seminars. In addition, she was my successor as Secretary General of International Alliance of Women and currently serves the organization as Membership officer.

    Sponsored by Alison Brown

    • May 26, 2025
    • 12:00 PM

    • June 09, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speaker: Suzanne Stanis

    Experience the heart of the Circle City during an illustrated talk of Indianapolis’s most recognizable historic district while exploring the fascinating past of a landmark that has come to define the city. View landmarks from various eras, including the symbolism behind the Soldiers & Sailors Monument, Christ Church Cathedral, Circle Theatre, and more. Along the way, hear stories and little-known history, revealing how the district’s art, architecture, and dynamic combination of public and private spaces give Indy its distinctive character.

    Suzanne Stanis serves as the Vice President of Heritage Education at Indiana Landmarks. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Hanover College and a Master of Library Science from Indiana University. Suzanne oversees Indiana Landmarks’ Indianapolis tours, the heritage tourism divisions of West Baden Springs/French Lick Springs hotels, and Samara, a notable Frank Lloyd Wright-designed home in West Lafayette.

    With over three decades at Indiana Landmarks, Suzanne has contributed to historic preservation by researching and successfully nominating more than fifteen buildings and neighborhoods to the National Register of Historic Places. Additionally, Suzanne manages the organization’s reference library.

    Sponsored by Jeff Rasley

    • July 07, 2025
    • 12:00 PM

    • August 18, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speakers : Dr. Sophia Wang and Dr. Jeff Dage

    Dr. Dage and Dr. Wang will talk about current research in using blood based and other biomarkers for early detection and treatment of Alzheimer's and other dementias.

    Both researchers are from the IU School of Medicine and specialize in this area.

    • August 25, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speaker: Michelle O'Hollaren

    This talk will explore the relationship between the creative realm of art and the innovative world of technology, highlighting how the two disciplines come together to shape the modern creative industry; including topics such as computer-generated art, 3D printing, virtual reality and immersive art.

    Michelle O'Hollaren is the Vice President of Education and Innovation at the Indianapolis Art Center.

    Sponsored by Jeff Rasley

    • September 01, 2025
    • 12:00 PM

    • September 08, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speakers: Alan Schmidt Ruth Schmidt

    The 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was for computational protein design and protein structure prediction.  They can predict proteins' complex structure and have built entirely new proteins.  Proteins can be used as pharmaceuticals, vaccines, nanomaterials, and tiny sensors.  The 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics was for studies of how institutions are formed and affect prosperity. They provide new insights into why there are such vast differences in prosperity between nations.

    Dr. Alan D. Schmidt received a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from Michigan State University and doctorate in chemical engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has done industrial polymerization research and development.  He retired from being an environmental engineer at the Indiana Department of Environmental Engineering.

    Ruth Schmidt, PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, MBA, program manager - business mailer payment systems, United States Postal Service,

    • October 13, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • 2100 E 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

    Speaker: James Lowery

    This presentation explains an alternative wastewater treatment system that uses plants to naturally clean wastewater such as domestic (homesite) wastewater, industrial wastewater, business buildings discharges, stormwater, etc.  It will explain how plants clean wastewater and the different types of constructed wetlands.

    James Lowery is former Director of Management Support Services , University of Birmingham

    Sponsored by Alan Schmidt

    • December 22, 2025
    • 12:00 PM

    • December 29, 2025
    • 12:00 PM

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